السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

👋 Hola

  • I consult businesses and individuals who want to implement tech, and I work with different companies to build it.
  • I am on a mission to ship a meaningful tool for solution architects and pms to visualize tech solutions and build them faster!
  • As part of this mission I am learning things by talking to people who are doing meaningful stuff, listening to pieces of advice and suggestions that matter; and writing all these here believing that it can help me gain more clarity on what I am doing and it may help others who are on the same ride.
👨🏽‍🚀 Ejas Muhammed
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Overnight Sensation

Does anybody value real these days? By adding flashy effects to vertical videos and adding a viral music to it can make you famous in a day?! And hence an influencer is born instantly. Leading to the pressure of maintaining their fame through constant content creation, often devoid value. I find myself longing for a time when respect was earned through genuine achievements in science, technology, and other fields that contributed to the betterment of humanity....

April 2, 2024 · 1 min · Ejas Muhammed
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Contracts for slippery handshakes

You gotta have clarity and fairness in business. You and the people around your business should know the way forward. Let’s consider a story, rather an experience. 1️⃣ Once, I decided to partner with someone on a project. Excited about our collaboration, we jumped right in without putting anything in writing but a handshake. We did not realise that the handshake was slippery. Big mistake. As the project progressed, disagreements arose, and without clear terms, both of us did not know what the terms was, things quickly went out of control....

March 18, 2024 · 3 min · Ejas Muhammed
Generated using [OG Image Playground by Vercel](https://og-playground.vercel.app/)

The escape to comfort

Do you escape often? From the tedious job that you should do and you are sure that by doing it, things will be where you want it to be. How often do we find ourselves fleeing away from the demands of our responsibilities? We escape from the tasks we know we should tackle, convinced that delaying them won’t significantly alter the outcome. We’ve all tempted to this at some point, leaving excuses to ourselves like “I’m exhausted, I’ll tackle it tomorrow,” or “I’ve done enough for today,” or even “This can surely wait....

February 9, 2024 · 1 min · Ejas Muhammed
Generated using [OG Image Playground by Vercel](https://og-playground.vercel.app/)

Disagree, if you disagree

During conversations with my co-founders, whenever I hear something that I disagree with, I convey it to them. I make an effort to be polite when expressing my disagreement. But what if I don’t convey it and act as if there is no disagreement? It’s a lie, or the truth hidden. If you never express your disagreement and instead decide to reach a compromise where your opinions are suppressed, from then on, you are lying, and you lose significance....

January 27, 2024 · 2 min · Ejas Muhammed
Generated using [OG Image Playground by Vercel](https://og-playground.vercel.app/)

Clear your mess, right now

I resigned from my previous company, and I was clearing up my mess. While being the CEO of the company, I wasn’t able to untangle the messes; the company was heading down a path which I would never take. I tried to cope with the mess and acted like there was nothing to untangle, but sooner or later, I realized that by not acting, I was only making it more difficult to clear with each passing day....

January 23, 2024 · 2 min · Ejas Muhammed
Generated using [OG Image Playground by Vercel](https://og-playground.vercel.app/)

👨🏽‍🚀 The astronaut analogy…

Often I picture myself as an astronaut 👨🏻‍🚀 who explores the outer space, returning with exciting cosmic stones. ☄️ In this cosmic journey, the treasures are the help, opportunities, kindness and shared experiences that I bring to my world—my family, team, and friends. ✨ When I built Bytsolv 🚀 with my team, I ensured its design theme mirrored outer-space; my playground. 🔭 Together, my team and I explore the cosmic stones!...

January 21, 2024 · 1 min · Ejas Muhammed
Generated using [OG Image Playground by Vercel](https://og-playground.vercel.app/)

Read to write

I write because I read—it gives definition and clarity to my thoughts, influencing my actions! Articulating my ideas through writing solidifies my understanding. The content I consume shapes my clarity. Choosing content aligning with my thoughts enhances clarity. I’m mindful of sources where I consume from. Writing a book was a long term dream, and I realised that my pot was empty. Now, I read and write to fill my pot....

January 21, 2024 · 2 min · Ejas Muhammed
Generated using [OG Image Playground by Vercel](https://og-playground.vercel.app/)

Slow is fast!

I started my career building website and playing around with tech stuff. My cousin brother started a company and I joined him as the CTO; with minimal knowledge and wisdom in the tech domain. A leap from building websites to heading a company’s tech team; impossible, but that happened. I made a significant error in not starting slow, opting rapid climb up the leadership ladder. The C-suite title tempted me more than the Junior Software Engineer role....

January 20, 2024 · 2 min · Ejas Muhammed
Generated using [OG Image Playground by Vercel](https://og-playground.vercel.app/)

Group of Companies, a Dilemma

I often see entrepreneurs trying to build an empire. Forcing themselves to create multiple companies and run them to create an ecosystem. I believe this trend is inspired by case studies, YouTube videos, and social media posts related to big names (big companies and their founders) which made the process of achieving this look easy. But in reality, these established names did not achieve stuff overnight; they invested decades in building one thing, found the opportunity for the next, and eventually, created an ecosystem of their products and services - Google, Meta, and Apple, are examples....

January 18, 2024 · 1 min · Ejas Muhammed