Does anybody value real these days?

By adding flashy effects to vertical videos and adding a viral music to it can make you famous in a day?! And hence an influencer is born instantly.

Leading to the pressure of maintaining their fame through constant content creation, often devoid value.

I find myself longing for a time when respect was earned through genuine achievements in science, technology, and other fields that contributed to the betterment of humanity.

Today, we live in a world where influencers’ opinions are often valued more than those of experts. This shift is a troubling sign of misplaced priorities.

It is indeed a worrying situation. The value we place on superficial fame overshadows the recognition that should be given to those who work tirelessly for our society.

You did nothing, you act like you did something in the internet, and you got famous, you end up wearing that mask until you get caught!


Will this go viral?, absolutely NOT!